What the Haxe?






“... is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, and a complete cross-platform standard library with ways to access each platform's native capabilities.”


Language, compiler, more...

The Haxe Programming Language

  • A high level strictly typed programming language, used by the Haxe compiler to produce cross-platform native code.
  • Easy to learn if you are familiar already with Java, C++, C#, PHP, AS3 or similar OO languages.
  • Designed to adapt the various platforms native behaviors and allow efficient cross-platform development.

The Haxe Compiler

  • Responsible for translating the Haxe programming language to the target platform native source code or binary
  • Each platform is natively supported, without any overhead coming from running inside a virtual machine.
  • Very efficient and can compile thousands of classes in seconds.


The Haxe standard library

  • A common set of highly tested APIs that gives you complete cross-platform behavior
  • Includes data structures, maths and date, serialization, reflection, bytes, crypto, file system, database access, etc
  • Also includes platform-specific API that gives you access to important parts of the platform capabilities, and can be easily extended



  • Comes with additional tools and features that can be used to develop and distribute cross-platform applications.
  • Like: Macros, IDE integration, haxelib, nekotools, ...



Several frameworks have been built with Haxe and can be used to develop cross-platform applications, depending on your target usage.

Examples later...


It will make your life easier!

  • Code that is clean, and easy-to-maintain
  • Statically typed, type-inference, faster, safer, coding.
  • Compiled language == complier errors for sully mistooks
  • Less boilerplate == more fun times
  • Fast compiler (cache, service)
  • Continuous Integration, Unit tests, Code Coverage
  • Cross-platform
  • Community


A browser based IDE for testing Haxe code


Who uses it, and what for?

Some big companies

TiVo, Prezi, Nickelodeon, Disney, BBC, Mattel
Coca-Cola, Hasbro, Toyota, Massive Interactive, Stencyl, ...

Smaller groups, Indies,
Experimenters, and creative coders...

Lucas Pope (Papers Please), Grapefrukt (Rymdkapsel), GPU-Fluid Experiments, ShiroGames, Motion-Twin, Team Cooper, ...


  • JS and Flash front-end web stuff
  • Command-line tools / utilities
  • Used (by me) on client work for Disney, CBBC, first direct, Transform, ... more.
  • Internal projects / Prototypes / R&D
  • Other stuff? GitHub / Gists

Et Moi?


“I only need to target Javascript,

so what about...”

  • TypeScript
  • CoffeeScript
  • Dart

“I need to convert every library I use to Haxe?!”


extern class AudioNode { ... }

  • Type-definitions for external code
  • Exist for many popular libraries
  • Easy to write, can be auto-generated

“I need some  J a v a S c r i p t 

on this project”

“Haxe doesn't do XYZ,

and i use xyz all the time in my favorite language!”




Frameworks / Tools



That's it. Go away.